Felda is no longer a stronghold for Umno- Tuan Ibrahim

Pas deputy president, Datuk Seri Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man has claimed that Felda settlement areas are no longer a stronghold for Umno.

(Sinar Daily) – He added that this has become evident as the support of settlers has shifted towards Perikatan Nasional (PN) in recent elections.

“If in the past, mentioning Felda meant that it is known as Umno’s stronghold, that is not the case now. Felda has become a stronghold for Pas and Bersatu. Look at the recent elections; where there were Felda areas, we emerged victorious.

“The most tragic example is the Pulau Tawar state legislative assembly constituency, which has many Felda areas, 16 in total. Logically, they should have supported Umno due to their gratitude, but PN still won,” he said during his speech at the Pelangai State Legislative Assembly by-election campaign in Felda Chemomoi on Sunday.

In addition to Felda Chemomoi, the Pelangai state assembly has two other Felda settlements, namely Felda Kemasul and Felda Kemahal.

Based on the records of the Election Commission, there are 7,983 voters in these three Felda settlements.

Tuan Ibrahim further added that the issue of Felda’s sustainability is a primary concern for its residents now.

He mentioned that the issue of Felda’s debt, which was managed during the tenure of former Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin, led them to support PN.

“The current problem is the replanting debt. How much is it, actually? The road debt, there are roads, but they are being rebuilt.

“The cost must be so high that the debt is not even close to being paid off,” he said.

Furthermore, Tuan Ibrahim said that Umno’s decision to cooperate with Pakatan Harapan (PH) and DAP has weakened the party.

“Umno should not have meddled in Islamic issues or the RUU (anti-hopping law) issue. In fact, DAP is now openly advocating for a secular state and Malaysian Malaysia, which we oppose, but Umno has accepted it.

“That’s why we’ve placed an important signal in this election to put pressure on them to reconsider the future of Pahang and Malaysia. We want a clear direction,” he said.
