PAS must apologise for dishonouring Islam, humiliating M’sian Chinese with “Apek seluar pendek” slur

Thus, if PAS keeps silent on the foul mouth of one of its leaders disparaging the dignity of Chinese in Malaysia, the party is guilty of dishonouring Malaysia’s history, the Rukun Negara and the adab or mannerism of Islam itself as taught by the Prophet Muhammad.

Prof Dr Mohd Tajuddin Mohd Rasdi, Focus Malaysia

I WISH to take to task PAS on the incident of one of its leaders disparaging our Chinese community in his use of the derogatory term apek seluar pendek which means a “Chinese wearing shorts.”

According to a news report in Malaysiakini, Pahang Menteri Besar Datuk Seri Wan Rosdy Wan Ismail has called out his Kedah counterpart Datuk Seri Muhammad Sanusi Md Nor for disparaging the Chinese community and creating uneasiness in the Malay community just to canvass for votes in the Pelangai by-election.

Sanusi is no stranger to vulgarity in his statements which has made him – unfortunately – the most famous Malay politician at this time.

It is sad that Malays love this kind of foul-mouthed politician but they are used to this kind of culture from UMNO long before PAS itself discovers this effective method to popularity at the expense of the teachings of Islam, nation-building and the history of Chinese-Muslims being the protectors of Islam during the Cheng Ho-Parameswara Melaka times.

Humiliation of human race

Firstly, I will discuss the wrongness of using derogatory name calling on a person or a whole race like the Chinese in Malaysia from the perspective of Islam.

The term apek is unanimously accepted even by Kamus Dewan to mean an old and frail Chinese man. The term itself in normal Malay parlance many years ago when I was growing up was not meant to be derogatory.

However, to use that phrase to mean “any Chinese with short pants” smack of a racial slur using religion as its basis for this name-calling.

In the book “Bimbingan Mu’minin” which is the Malay translation of an abridged version of Imam Ghazali’s magnum opus “Ihya Ulumuddin” published many hundred years ago, the author clearly warned Muslims against using their speeches to dishonour anyone purposely.

Prophet Muhammad himself forbade Muslims from name-calling to dishonour the enemies of Islam, warning them s that their uncontrolled speeches may result in them being placed in Hell.

Here in Malaysia, we only have opposition parliamentarians, not soldiers out to kill one another.

Clearly, the PAS leader who attacked the Chinese in his apek seluar pendek slur is clearly making PAS a political party that dishonours the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad. Why? No PAS leader has reprimanded the PAS leader who has uttered those words of dishonour.

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