A rare show of support by two Malays on a non-Malay’s attack on the “Malay First” policies

In an unprecedented development, Ti’s assertion was supported by two prominent Malay influencers in fugitive blogger Raja Petra Kamarudin (RPK) and former de-facto law minister Datuk Zaid Ibrahim in a rare display of support by Malays on an attack on the Malay platform and agenda.

(Focus Malaysia) – AN unprecedented line of debate took place recently when former MCA vice-president Senator Datuk Seri Ti Lian Ker spoke on the failure of the Bumiputera Economic Congress (BEC) that has been held since 1965.

The former deputy youth and sports minister had recently stood his ground that the demand for more Bumiputera policies and aid will result in more money and budget allocation from the state only for these monies to somehow being diverted to the rich, powerful and influential, hence repeated failures over the past 58 years.

As such, Ti expressed hope that the coming BEC will be last (from the government) as he did not wish to see the state impoverished at the expense of a selected few rich in the name of the Bumiputera agenda.

In an unprecedented development, Ti’s assertion was supported by two prominent Malay influencers in fugitive blogger Raja Petra Kamarudin (RPK) and former de-facto law minister Datuk Zaid Ibrahim in a rare display of support by Malays on an attack on the Malay platform and agenda.

In his social media post, RPK tweeted that he agreed with what Ti had articulated in the Dewan Negara and went further to elaborate on a videoclip under “New Economic Policy (NEP) Shound be Scrapped According to MCA” (Dasar Ekonomi Baru (DEB) Perlu Ditamatkan, kata MCA).

Despite his tendency to attack, Zaid surprisingly agreed with Ti as follows: “Mr Ti is correct to say that another Malay Economic Congress will not contribute anything useful to the country except to the members of the Congress.”

“We need a Congress that addresses the problems of the country. The economy can improve if all Malaysians work together to find solutions.”

The so-called UMNO member who has in recent times been echoing Perikatan Nasional (PN) sentiments added: “Before this govt came to power, we heard of plans to replace preferential and discriminatory policy with ‘needs-based policy’. Where is that policy now? Has the Economy Minister formulated the plan?”

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