Don’t count on Sarawak, Sabah to topple govt, says Anwar

Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim says Sarawak premier Abang Johari Openg rejected proposals by ‘certain parties’ for GPS to ditch its allies in the unity government.

(FMT) – Any party that intends to topple the unity government can no longer rely on Gabungan Parti Sarawak (GPS) and Gabungan Rakyat Sabah (GRS) to aid them, says Anwar Ibrahim.

The prime minister revealed that he had learned from Sarawak premier Abang Johari Openg yesterday that there were “desperate attempts” by other parties to persuade him and GPS to ditch the unity government.

“(Abang Johari) in a firm and consistent manner, rejected (these proposals) and said that he will not entertain any discussion on severing relations between Sarawak and the unity government.

“GPS’s stances are critical in today’s political scenario because a change (of government) can only be done with the backing of GPS and GRS.

“Even if there is an attempt to form a backdoor (government), it can only be done if the opportunity is given by both states,” he said during an engagement session with the media here.

I won’t write off Umno, says Anwar

Separately, Anwar said he would not write off Barisan Nasional lynchpin Umno as a partner in the government, adding that both Pakatan Harapan and BN had a good working relationship.

“I have trust in the Umno leadership which is supportive (of the unity government),” said Anwar.

“If people want me to write off Umno, saying that I need a new strategy, I won’t do so.”

The prime minister went on to say that the government now is very stable, thanks to Umno president Ahmad Zahid Hamidi, who plays an important role in ensuring good ties between BN and PH.

He also acknowledged that Umno is currently struggling in winning over Malay voters.

“If Umno goes down to the ground and explains (to the Malay electorate), I am confident that they can regain the community’s support,” added the prime minister.

He said Umno supporters do not detest the party. Rather, they were worried about the narrative suggesting DAP’s supposed control over the government — a narrative amplified by Bersatu and PAS.

This rhetoric has contributed to strong anti-DAP sentiments among the Malays, he said.
