Yearly Archives


Knowing the Malays

Ranjit Singh Malhi, Malaysiakini The Malays are the largest ethnic group in Malaysia, forming about 58 percent of the nation’s population, with the vast majority of them residing in Peninsular…

The greatest UNGA speech ever

Dennis Ignatius It seems like every time you access the news these days, somebody somewhere is unabashedly extolling the virtues of our larger-than-life prime minister. Politicians, columnists…

SPRM serbu pejabat peguam Muhyiddin

(Malaysiakini) - SPRM pagi ini telah menyerbu firma peguam yang mewakili bekas perdana menteri Muhyiddin Yassin, menurut sumber yang rapat dengan perkara itu. Sumber itu mendakwa 12 pegawai…