RPK: Childish Bersatu screws me for publicly exposing the opposition’s Dubai Move progress

“You simply have to be fearless … you’ve to tell everybody that the event (Dubai Move) is unfolding in your favour rather than be quiet otherwise the matter will eventually get flushed down the toilet.”

(Focus Malaysia) – FUGITIVE blogger Raja Petra Kamarudin (RPK) has vented his frustration at Bersatu for accusing him of prematurely revealing the opposition’s Dubai Move scheme which has already reached an advanced stage.

This is despite PAS having acknowledged the Dubai Move existence with Kedah Menteri Besar Datuk Seri Muhammad Sanusi Md Nor himself confirming that the Dubai Move is real and just awaiting the right date to come to fruition.

“Last Monday (Jan 1), Perikatan Nasional (PN) has submitted a list of 120 MPs who have made statutory declarations (SDs) that they no longer support the unity government to the King to which a few PAS leaders have contacted me to confirm that the matter was true,” explained the opposition-slant mercenary blogger in his latest video clip.

READ MORE HERE: Sanusi persists PN has the numbers to topple Anwar’s unity gov’t

“Imagine the Bersatu fellas want the matter to be kept confidential … How could we sit still when the Pakatan Harapan (PH) and UMNO guys have brought to light the existence of the Dubai Move conspiracy to topple the unity government or that another backdoor government is brewing and that it was purely day-dreaming and would not even materialise?”

For context, Bersatu secretary-general and Opposition leader Datuk Seri Hamzah Zainuddin has denied viral reports that the PN has the support of 118 MPs and that they would be called up before the King with their respective sworn statements.

“Bersatu fellas are only repeating their mistake of November 2022 by thinking that if they were to keep the Dubai Move a secret, it will eventually be a success or out of fear that that the Agong will back off or ‘clean his hands’ for it has become a public knowledge,” reckoned RPK.

“This is indeed a childish way of thinking … They still behave like a novice or amateur when this is all about politics where you cannot wait to be given power but you must grab power.”

The Manchester, UK-based controversial blogger went on to argue that successful politicians do not wait for power to be passed on to them while pointing to Kelantan prince and a dozen-term Gua Musang MP Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah who at 86 is still waiting for his turn to be the Malaysian PM.

“You cannot sit there and wait for people to beg you to be their PM but offer yourself … you’ve to be like Anwar (Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim) who is sly enough to seal a deal even with DAP who whacked Islam, Bahasa Melayu, Malay rights, etc … At times, one simply has to compromise his principles to become a PM.”

RPK further expressed concern that Bersatu is seemingly repeating the mistake of November 2022 with its wait-and-see attitude by refusing to divulge progress of the Dubai Move that the names of 120 MPs who have made SDs have been submitted to the Agong alongside three potential PM candidates.

READ MORE HERE: RPK: I’ve a five-page long list of 120 MPs who’ve lost faith in the PM along with 3 PM candidates

“You cannot live in fear if the King will be angry or feelings got hurt for this is all about power … in some countries, people take power through the barrel of the gun,” lamented RPK.

“You simply have to be fearless … you’ve to tell everybody that the event (Dubai Move) is unfolding in your favour rather than be quiet otherwise the matter will eventually get flush down the toilet.”

And perhaps a timely reminder to Bersatu: “Strike when the iron is hot and not only to stage a media conference like in November 2022 after Anwar has taken oath as PM that PN had in fact 114 MPs on its side for this is tantamount to locking the stable door after the horses bolted.”

