RPK, Papagomo, Chegubard: the watchdogs for transparency and good governance

Have you been seeing RPK, Papagomo, Chegubard a lot on social media? These names keep popping up on social media and the latest development is that cops may be calling two of them to facilitate investigation.

(The Rakyat Post) – Papagomo, Raja Petra Kamarudin (RPK), and Chegubard are not new names when it comes to Malaysia’s political landscape. While they are not sitting MPs or state assemblymen, throughout the years, these figures are mostly known as bloggers or “political activists”.

However, most times, their remarks have been controversial, especially to the government, incurring the wrath of many Malaysians on social media. That said, much of the general public is still unaware of who these three individuals are.

In light of the much-talked about “Dubai Move”, these names have been popping up more than ever, with many starting to attach the label cybertroopers when talking about them.

Wan Muhammad Azri Wan Deris


Papagomo, whose real name is Wan Muhammad Azri Wan Deris, is formerly an UMNO Youth exco member. Over the years since Barisan Nasional (BN) lost in the 2018 general election, he has come under fire for his controversial comments against the Pakatan Harapan (PH) government.

From insulting Muar MP Syed Saddiq Syed Abdul Rahman, which landed him in court, to being suspended from UMNO for criticising its president Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi, Papagomo carved quite a reputation for himself, particularly amongst Malaysians on social media.

Most recently, he was charged under the Sedition Act 1948 for claiming that the government was “pro-Israel and pro-Western nations.” He reportedly made the comments in a Facebook video last November.

However, he has pleaded not guilty to the charge. But if found guilty, Papagomo may face a fine up to RM5,000, a jail term of up to three years, or both.

Once upon a time though, people did not know who Papagomo was. The moniker was used to run a political blog somewhat anonymously. This led to PKR at the time conducting an “investigation” into the blogger’s identity.

In 2013, Rafizi Ramli who is now Economy Minister, detailed the findings of the party’s investigation on his blog rafiziramli.com.

The name Wan Muhammad Azri Wan Deris then popped up but at the time and for many years after that, he denied operating the blog “Papa Gomo”. The matter even went to court where Wan Muhammad Azri denied he was known as Papagomo in a lawsuit filed by former DAP secretary-general Lim Guan Eng and his son Clint Lim Way Chau.

In 2014 however, during Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim’s lawsuit against Wan Muhammad Azri where he was alleged to have made four seditious remarks against the PKR president in the Papagomo blog in 2013, the Kuala Lumpur High Court ruled that he was in fact the blogger in question.

Wan Muhammad Azri was ordered to pay RM800,000 in damages and RM50,000 in cost to Anwar.

Raja Petra Kamarudin

Raja Petra Kamarudin or RPK is a Malaysian blogger and political commentator known for his writings on political issues in Malaysia. Though he currently resides in the UK, Raja Petra contributes his views through his blog, Malaysia Today, which has attracted a significant amount of readership.

RPK created the blog back in September of 2004 before Anwar was released from prison. He launched the website as part of his “Free Malaysia” campaign in support of Anwar’s release.

He, in fact, takes credit for predicting that Anwar would be released from prison early. His support for Anwar was also demonstrated as a member of PKR back when it was known as Parti Keadilan Nasional.

Back in 2001, he along with 10 other opposition activists were detained for allegedly attempting to overthrow the Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad administration.

RPK is a member of the Selangor royal family. He is the nephew of former Selangor Sultan, the late Sultan Salahuddin Abdul Aziz Shah. His mother is of Welsh descent.

He had reportedly gone “missing” in 2009 after he failed to turn up in court for a sedition charge and two arrest warrants had been issued.

In a recent development last year, he said it is not that he doesn’t wish to return to Malaysia, but that the government allegedly would not allow him to return.


Badrul Hisham Shaharin, also known as Chegubard is a politician formerly associated with PKR.

Founder of Solidariti Anak Muda Malaysia (SAMM), a youth NGO, Badrul Hisham contested various elections but faced defeats. In August 2016, PKR expelled him for alleged damage to the party’s image and causing internal divisions by defying orders.

Now, he is a member of the political party, Bersatu.

What is the rumoured “Dubai Move”?

In a media conference yesterday, Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Razarudin Husain said that police have received a total of 43 police reports nationwide with regards to a circulated clip commenting on an “activity that would harm parliamentary democracy”.

Razarudin said there is a possibility that Chegubard and Papagomo will be called up to assist in the investigation of the speculated “Dubai Move.”

The prime suspect in this case is blogger Raja Petra, who is currently based abroad. Given the international jurisdiction, it may not be possible to reach Raja Petra, but the police are considering summoning Papagomo, Chegubard, and another individual active on social media known as Salim Iskandar for questioning.

The “Dubai Move” rumour centres around alleged discussions in the UAE between opposition leaders and government representatives, aiming to destabilise Prime Minister Anwar’s administration.

A thorough investigation has been initiated based on the filed reports, underscoring the significance of addressing claims that have the potential to cause public unrest.

