Replace Zahid, don’t ride on PH’s coat-tails, Umno told

Umno needs a new face to lead the party as it cannot afford to ride on Pakatan Harapan’s “fragile” coat-tails in the next general election (GE16), says PKR’s Hassan Karim.

(FMT) – Hassan said a fresh leader with integrity and charisma would help Umno regain the support of the Malays, a key factor in Barisan Nasional’s (BN) dismal performance at recent elections.

He said the PH components of PKR, DAP and Amanah should be able to retain the coalition’s non-Malay support at the next polls, provided that it does not abandon its progressive agenda of reforms.

“The issue for PH-BN is the decrease in Malay support. In the current situation, it’s tough for Umno (to woo Malay voters to back the unity administration) as long as it is led by Ahmad Zahid Hamidi.

“Umno needs to revamp its leadership in order for them to get the Malays to support Umno, BN, and now PH-BN.

“Otherwise, a Zahid-led Umno will ride on the coat-tails of the Anwar Ibrahim-led PH, which really isn’t that strong,” the Pasir Gudang MP told FMT.

Over the weekend, Zahid hinted that cooperation between PH and BN would continue beyond GE16.

PAS information chief Ahmad Fadhli Shaari then said that Malay voters could already decide who to support in the next general election with PH and BN set to prolong their partnership.

Hassan said other ways for the unity government to win over the Malays would be to implement “pro-rakyat” policies such as subsidies and aid for lower-income households.

However, he said drastic reforms such as ending the government pension scheme could incur the wrath of Malay voters.
