PKR is not strong either, Bung reminds Hassan

Sabah Umno chief Bung Moktar Radin rebukes Hassan Karim, says the latter should join Umno if he wants to comment on the party.

(FMT) – Sabah Umno chief Bung Moktar Radin says PKR is not a strong party either and could only form the government with the help of other parties.

He said this in response to PKR’s Hassan Karim, who had called for a change in Umno’s leadership to help the party regain the support of Malays.

Bung, who is Kinabatangan MP, added that his party knows how to manage itself.

“He (Hassan) is from a different party. We (Umno) are a different party, and we know our own strengths and weaknesses,” he told FMT.

“His party is not always strong either. If it was strong, it would have won the last general election (GE15) and it wouldn’t have needed the help of other (parties) to form the government.”

On Jan 31, Hassan had suggested that Umno revamp its leadership with fresh leaders with integrity and charisma to help the party regain the support of the Malays, a key factor in Barisan Nasional’s dismal performance in recent elections.

Bung said the Pasir Gudang MP had no right to interfere in Umno’s affairs as he is not a member.

“In Umno, we have a system. Ahmad Zahid Hamidi was chosen by Umno members (to be president).

“Hassan has no right to comment on this because he is not an Umno member. If he wants to talk about Umno, he should join Umno,” he said.

Bung added that while Hassan is entitled to his right to free speech, he should also “use common sense” before making such remarks.

“So even if you wish to shoot, don’t shoot yourself in the foot,” he added.

