Police probe on Teo curbs academic freedom, says group

“Respect for academic freedom is essential towards developing a society that is cohesive, knowledgeable, mature and intellectual,”

(FMT) – The Malaysian Academic Movement disagrees with Teo Kok Seong’s views but says he should not be probed.

The Malaysian Academic Movement (Gerak) today criticised the police investigation into academic Teo Kok Seong over his remarks about vernacular schools, saying it curtails academic freedom and discourages intellectual discourse.

Gerak said it disagreed with Teo’s statements but that he had the right to air his views, adding that any disagreements with his remarks should be disputed rationally rather than through the filing of police reports.

The group also noted that Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim had called on schools and universities to foster and apply greater critical thinking, by debating issues in an intellectual manner.

“There is a need to uphold academic freedom in this country, and not to silence opposing views because of disagreements or political reasons. Therefore, Gerak condemns the investigation into Teo,” it said.

In a statement, Gerak also reiterated its belief that vernacular schools are not to blame for disunity, saying they offer greater opportunities to foster interracial understanding through dialogue.

It said the problem was that the issue had been polarised by Malaysia’s race-based political system, with politicians using it to woo support.

“Teo’s right to voice his opinions on vernacular schools or the Chinese community is his prerogative as an academic. His right to voice alternative views as a thinker should be celebrated.

“Respect for academic freedom is essential towards developing a society that is cohesive, knowledgeable, mature and intellectual,” it said.

On Monday, home minister Saifuddin Nasution Ismail said Teo is being investigated for allegedly saying that vernacular schools were barriers to national unity.

The investigation has since been criticised by former Penang deputy chief minister P Ramasamy and former law minister Zaid Ibrahim, with the latter saying it could escalate racial tension in the country.
