No clause in party constitution prohibiting me from campaigning for govt, says Bersatu rep

“There is no clause or provision stating that members can be disciplined for participating in any ceramah.

(Focus Malaysia) – SELAT Klang assemblyman Datuk Abdul Rashid Asari has shot down allegations that he should have his Bersatu membership revoked after appearing with Pakatan Harapan leaders to campaign for the Kuala Kubu Baharu by-election recently.

In an FMT report, Abdul Rashid was quoted as saying he did so as there was no provision in the recently-amended Bersatu constitution that prohibited him from doing so.

“There is no clause in the party’s constitution that says I can’t share a stage with unity government leaders and give a ceramah. It only states that I can’t join another party,” he told the news portal.

Bersatu president Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin said last week that sharing a stage with Bersatu’s political rivals and delivering a speech against the party were sufficient grounds for the termination of membership.

Muhyiddin said one could no longer claim to be still supporting the party with such behaviour.

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