Stop the abuse behind the scene under the banner of “Bumiputra privilege”

Patients may die, the health care system can go to the dogs but we will defend and empower the Bumiputra according to the UiTM Act 1976 (Act 173) and Article 153 of the Federal Constitution, which only allows the enrolment of bumiputera students is the mantra which breeds racialism and bigotry.
This irresponsible attitude is manifested in civil service and other entities which only bring shame to the nation as there is a shortage of specialists in the cardiothoracic field, which comprises surgery and care for heart and lung diseases.
It is high time the government tinker and tweak the constitution and amend the  legislation which is not productive and practical for the progress and prosperity of this beloved nation.
The special privileges to the Bumiputra which were supposed to end in 1990, were forced to continue or prolonged without any definite duration. Though it is imperative for the Bumiputra to be given special aid and assistance for them to be empowered and to progress economically, it must not become a hindrance on critical services which are lacking and urgently required in the health care system.
Only on a needful basis Bumiputras must be given privileges and assistance but not a total blanket for all Bumiputras. Sixty years of privileges have created prosperous Bumiputras who are excelling in many fields.
It is high time the government must be bold enough to take proactive steps to stop the abuse under the banner of “Bumiputra privilege”.
The government must educate the community on the pros and cons of the privileges which they are enjoying  since independence, for the progress of this nation in the correct trajectory.
The UiTM debacle is only a tip of the iceberg which will rear it’s ugly head sooner or later when it will be too late. Don’t use and abuse Bumiputra privilege as a tool for political expediency. Sixty odd years of privileges has proven that it was not managed, monitored and controlled efficiently and effectively. After many decades of implementation, why is it not a success story?
The outcome of sixty odd years of its implementation and the willingness to prolong the privileges tells all of the tale.
