Diesel price hike rage: Isham Jalil ups his ante against “formula king” Rafizi whose numbers don’t add up

“At the end of the day, the diesel smugglers escaped. Those who evaded SST, too, got away. Those that you press and ask to pay are the commoners. This is how the Madani economy of Anwar and Rafizi functions.” 

(Focus Malaysia) – FORMER UMNO supreme council member Isham Jalil has hit out at Economy Minister Rafizi Ramli (main image, third from right) for the latter’s no-brainer justification during the Sungai Bakap state by-election ceramah over the multi-billion loss of diesel subsidy.

Prior to this, the former UMNO information chief has ridiculed the so-called Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim’s “senior economic director” as to how the government could have lost RM7 bil-RM8 bil in diesel subsidies a year – or an estimated equivalent to 20 million litres daily – due to diesel being smuggled out of the border.

“Rafizi said there are two ways for smugglers to get diesel out. One is through land route through the border and the other is through fishermen who smuggle diesel through fishing boats filled from skid tanks,” Isham penned in a recent Facebook post.

“If fishermen smuggle out 20 million litres (of diesel) daily or even half of that and sell diesel at sea, then there are tens of thousands of fishing boats operating to steal, smuggle and sell diesel at sea every day.”

“This will be like opening a gas station on the sea with tens of thousands of fishing boats gathering to smuggle and sell diesel in the middle of the ocean on s daily basis. As if the Malaysian Maritime Enforcement Agency (APMM) is unable to detect tens of thousands of boats gathering to sell tens of millions of litres of diesel daily? This doesn’t make sense.”

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