PKR founder member Syed Husin Ali in critical condition

(FMT) – Syed Husin Ali, a founding member of PKR, is said to be in critical condition.

In a text message, his son, Ali Syed Hussein, said his father is currently unconscious.

“His health deteriorated very suddenly. Please pray for him,” he said.

Syed Husin, 87, is currently warded at Selayang Hospital.

He became PKR deputy president following the merger of Parti Rakyat Malaysia, of which he was president, and Parti Keadilan Nasional in 2003.

In December 1974, Syed Husin, who was then a Universiti Malaya associate professor, was detained under the now-repealed Internal Security Act for six years following protests by farmers in Baling and students in Kuala Lumpur.

During the period, Syed Husin said he was assaulted and subjected to demeaning treatment designed to get him to confess to “communist plots”, according to Malaysiakini.

