Monthly Archives

June 2024

Abang Jo: The emperor with no clothes

If what I said about him was “criminally defamatory”, then logically, what he said about me is criminally defamatory too, isn’t it? Nehru Sathiamoorthy Abang Jo and his team have filed a…

Deconstructing the Bumiputera Construct

One key issue to be addressed early is whether the Bumiputera term should be continued as a political construct in view of its divisive impact and consequences especially for the younger…

What’s happening in Perlis?

Murray Hunter Up unit GE15, Perlis had always been an UMNO stronghold. Even after GE14 in 2018, when Pakatan Harapan came to power, UMNO managed to win 10 out of the 15 seats in the state…