Govt open to amending anti-hopping law, says Anwar

The prime minister expresses willingness to discuss with the opposition ways to plug any existing loopholes in the law.

(FMT) – The government is open to amending the anti-hopping law to plug any existing loopholes, says Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim.

“If you (the opposition) want to amend the anti-hopping law, we can discuss it. It’s not a problem,” he told reporters after Friday prayers.

Anwar reiterated that when the anti-hopping law was being drafted, Pakatan Harapan had insisted that anyone removed from a party should be automatically disqualified as an MP.

“However, at that time, Bersatu (which was part of the government then) did not agree to this because they were bringing in members from Umno,” he said.

Amendments to Article 49A of the Federal Constitution, commonly known as the anti-hopping law, came into effect in October 2022 as part of a reform pact between the then Ismail Sabri Yaakob administration and Pakatan Harapan, which was in the opposition.

The push for such a law gained momentum after several PKR MPs joined a Bersatu-led revolt against the PH government, which subsequently collapsed in February 2020.

Umno, in particular, suffered from multiple defections after Barisan Nasional lost the 2018 general election, with Larut MP Hamzah Zainudin, Masjid Tanah MP Mas Ermieyati Samsudin and the then Jeli MP Mustapa Mohamed among those quitting the party to eventually join Bersatu.

On Wednesday, PKR’s Pasir Gudang MP, Hassan Karim, criticised Dewan Rakyat Speaker Johari Abdul for not vacating the six seats held by the “rogue” former Bersatu MPs.

Hassan accused his party colleague of disrespecting Parliament by making decisions based on partisan political interests.
