Conference of Rulers wants Bill 355 to be carefully drafted, says PM

Anwar Ibrahim says international Islamic legal experts will be consulted when drawing up the amendments to enhance the powers of shariah courts.

(FMT) – Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim said the Conference of Rulers wants any amendments to the Syariah Courts (Criminal Jurisdiction) Act 1965 (Bill 355) to be made carefully.

Speaking at the opening of the “Convention to dignify Malaysia’s shariah law and judiciary” today, Anwar said he met the Sultan of Perak, Sultan Nazrin Shah, as chairman of the National Council for Islamic Religious Affairs (MKI), last week regarding Bill 355, Bernama reported.

“So far, I have not seen any objections or problems either from the chief justice, who has approved this effort, and the Conference of Rulers, which has been given an initial briefing.

“The Conference of Rulers gave its consent, but it asked for the bill to be examined carefully so that it is not seen as being hasty or manifesting any weaknesses in its implementation.”

Anwar said the government would present the results of the negotiations on Bill 355 to MKI next month.

He said the matter could not be finalised yet as it had to be referred to the Attorney-General’s Chambers (AGC). Issues regarding Islam, customs, citizenship and other matters must also be approved by the Conference of Rulers first, he added.

He said amendments to Bill 355 should be made carefully after taking into account the views of all parties, including the shariah and civil courts, and international legal experts.

Anwar said he had instructed religious affairs minister Na’im Mokhtar and the Islamic development department (Jakim) to coordinate the matter and seek the views of international Islamic legal experts.

“I have asked the committee to get all views, whether they agree or disagree with the proposed amendments, before the matter is brought (to MKI).

“If you want to make amendments, make it a truly comprehensive one so that our seriousness in implementing (Bill 355) is not disputed,” he said.

Anwar said besides meeting Sultan Nazrin as MKI chairman last week regarding Bill 355, he also met the Sultan of Selangor, Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah (former MKI chairman), earlier regarding the amendment.

“Both (Sultan Nazrin and Sultan Sharafuddin) agree with the initial framework presented by the expert committee and Na’im, but we want the matter to be thoroughly researched.

“I thank Na’im for speeding up this process. Tuanku Sultan Nazrin expressed his willingness to discuss this at a meeting at the end of August,” he said.

Bill 355 aims to increase the powers of shariah courts, which at present can impose a fine of RM5,000 or sentence a person to three years in prison or/and six lashes of the rotan.
