PKR man calls for PAS to be censured for taking in Rembai rep

“The six merely pledged allegiance to the political head of a government. All MPs should be doing that out of respect for the prime minister’s (office). But I ask you, did they hop and which party did they hop to?”

(The Vibes) – PAS should be censured for taking Rembai assemblyman Muhammad Jailaini Khamis into its fold after signing the anti-party hopping pledge in 2022, a former PKR leader said.

Lawyer S. Raveentharan, who was a PKR deputy secretary-general, said the move was legal but immoral.

He said it sends the message to voters that their elected representatives could switch allegiance at the expense of their constituents.

“It caused political instability and ruined the country during the global pandemic in 2020 when the infamous ‘Sheraton’ backdoor move to seize power at the expense of an elected government was engineered. (That had a) a selfish aim that might have caused lives because the government was preoccupied with staying in power rather than channelling all resources to fight Covid-19,” Raveentharan said.

“When Jailaini contested in 2022, he did it on the Barisan Nasional ticket and now he has switched camps just because the state assembly in Malacca was late to adopt a similar law of parliament. It is unbecoming.”

He said the better option was for Jailaini to resign the seat and run again on a PAS ticket in a by-election.

PAS secretary-general Datuk Seri Takiyuddin Hassan said the move was legal as the Malacca government had yet to implement the anti-party hopping law when Muhammad Jailaini jumped ship.

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