Biden should go, so should Anwar

The US president looked aged, rambling at times, stringing incoherent sentences at other times at a one-on-one televised debate

(The Malaysian Reserve) – AT THE time of writing, Joe Biden is still in the running for the US presidency. President Biden and his team are still insisting on staying the course to take on Donald Trump in the next general election (GE) on Nov 4.

Things may change. Biden may be pushed out of the race to give the Democrats a fighting chance against Trump who is now enjoying a larger-than-life persona after the assassination attempt on his life on July 13. He was within inches of death from a bullet at a campaign rally in Pennsylvania.

Biden’s poor showing at the June 27 maiden presidential race debate for this season had put the Dems on the backfoot. The assassination attempt seems to have propelled Trump ahead.

Trump received a martyr-like welcome at the Republican National Convention in Wisconsin last week where he accepted the party’s nomination as its presidential candidate. The party also announced Ohio senator James David Vance as his running mate.

Trump rose like a Lazarus, remarked some commentators. Lazarus of Bethany is a figure from the Christian Bible who died but was brought back to life by Jesus. The convention was pumped-up with references to faith and devotion.

For many, Biden’s presidency ended at the disastrous one-on-one televised debate. He looked aged, rambling at times, stringing incoherent sentences at other times.

In contrast, former president Trump was his usual self, though a little more restrained. He came across nimble and sharp. Both are just three years apart: Biden is 81, Trump is 79. But people were more focused on Biden’s performance, or the lack of it, than Trump’s antics and outright lies and exaggerations.

Biden has now defeated Biden, said Oscar-winning documentarian Michael Moore when he appeared as a guest on the Mehdi Hasan show, describing the debate as “heartbreaking”.

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