Ayob Khan Highlights Muslim Majority In Corruption Cases, Urges Against Racial Blame

The Deputy Inspector-General of Police, Datuk Seri Ayob Khan Mydin Pitchay, has thrown down the gauntlet with a bold and unflinching message.

(The Rakyat Post) – At a recent integrity-focused event, Ayob Khan shattered taboos by revealing that the majority of individuals involved in corrupt practices in Malaysia are Muslims.

His words cut through the noise, challenging deeply held assumptions and urging Malaysians to confront the uncomfortable truth.

“If we, as Muslims, truly have strong faith, we wouldn’t engage in corruption,” Ayob Khan declared, his voice carrying the weight of responsibility and urgency.

“There’s no need to blame others.”

In a nation where racial and religious narratives often cloud the discourse, Ayob Khan’s message is a clarion call for personal accountability.

He criticized attempts to turn corruption into a racial issue, emphasizing that it is a moral failing rather than a racial one.


A Call for Integrity and Self-Reflection

His remarks stand in stark contrast to previous statements by Tan Sri Abdul Hadi Awang, President of PAS, who, in August 2022, attributed corruption to non-Muslims and Bumiputera.

Ayob Khan’s speech serves as a counterpoint, redirecting the focus from external blame to internal reflection.

The former Johor police chief’s address was also a critique and a rallying cry for action.

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