Fulfil Sabah’s rights now, says Warisan

Warisan information chief Azis Jamman says there must be no more delay in fulfilling the promises of MA63, which was the foundation of Malaysia’s inception.

(TMI) – SABAH-BASED Warisan has called on the federal government to enforce the Malaysia Agreement 1963 (MA63) without further delay.

Party information chief Azis Jamman said there should be no more delay in fulfilling the promises of MA63, which was the foundation of Malaysia’s inception.

“I firmly believe that Sabah’s rights must be fulfilled without delay.

“MA63 was signed, agreed upon, and sealed in 1963 by the leaders of Sabah, Sarawak, (Singapore) and Malaya, which led to the formation of Malaysia.

“Implementing MA63 is constitutionally required and therefore does not (need) any more deliberation. The time for implementation is now,” he stated.

Azis, a former deputy home minister, reminded the country’s leaders that the agreement encompasses more than just the state’s 40% special revenue grant. It also defines the allocation of funds between the federal and state governments through the federal list, state list, and concurrent list stipulated in the Federal Constitution.

“These lists are embedded in the constitution and are structured to ensure that national and local needs are adequately financed while respecting the autonomy and special considerations of different states, particularly Sabah and Sarawak.

“It is crucial to fulfil and honour what is already embedded in the Malaysian constitution.

“There should be no more committees, no more discussions, no more negotiations, and no more meetings,” he said.

The former Sepanggar MP urged the people of Sabah to rally behind the call for the federal government to honour MA63.

