Siti Kasim to JAKIM: Stop playing God; let Muslims deal with what happens in the afterworld themselves

AFTER DAP vice-chairman Teresa Kok was threatened with a police report for 3R breaches by opposing the Malaysian Islamic Development Department’s (JAKIM) mulling of mandatory halal certification for alcohol/pork-free restaurants, perhaps human rights activist Siti Kasim’s stinging objection can be accepted by virtue of her being a Muslim.

(Focus Malaysia) – Ridiculing Religious Affairs Minister Datuk Dr Na’im Mokhtar for having stated that JAKIM is contemplating such proposal as halal certification is currently voluntary for food business operators, the vocal lawyer insisted that JAKIM has no authority to interfere with the rights of Muslim patrons to frequent/dine in non-Muslim-owned F&B premises.

“Is this a way for JAKIM to make more money? We know how tedious it is for eateries to obtain halal certification,” she lambasted in a Facebook video.

“I don’t understand this rationality; firstly, it’ll kill businesses without halal certificates although they don’t serve pork and alcohol but I know there’s a movement in social media which propagates to Malays/Muslims that they’ll go to hell if they frequent non-Muslim-owned premises without halal certificate.”

The agitated Orang Asli advocate went on to question her Malay/Muslim brethren why they must allow one so-called religious body to direct or manage their lives by telling them where they can eat, wear or if they can participate in a sporting activity.

“Are you guys robots or humans?” she hit out. “I’m stunned as to why there seems to be a growing number of restrictions these days.

“Forcing businesses which profess not serving alcohol and pork to obtain halal certifications is not necessary at all for it’s entirely up to Muslims to decide if they wish to consume food at such premises.”

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