PAS deputy president’s claim of suspicion upon hearing Chinese words dangerous, DAP MP says

PAS deputy president Datuk Seri Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man’s assertion that Malays would feel suspicion upon hearing the spoken Chinese language was divisive and incendiary, said DAP lawmaker Lim Lip Eng.

(MMO) – The Kepong MP said the PAS leader’s reported remarks at the Islamist party’s annual convention was unacceptable in a multiracial setting such as in Malaysia.

“His claim is extremely worrying and racially charged. Not only is his view inaccurate, but it also has the potential to divide Malaysia’s multi-ethnic society,” Lim said in a statement.

“According to Section 504 and Section 505(c) of the Penal Code, it is an offence to make statements that can incite tension and stir up racial sentiments. Has Tuan Ibrahim’s statement violated the law?”

He added that he has lodged a police report against Tuan Ibrahim over the latter’s remarks, and urged the authorities to investigate without fear or favour.

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