This Malaysia Day, time to be brutally honest

This Malaysia Day is a good as any, to reflect on your real value as a human being.

Jayanath Appudurai

The two key insuperable challenges (at least for now) faced not just by Malaysians but most of humanity are:-

<1>“RACE” – Although we all share a common ancestry and are 99.9% genetically the same, we reject the science and cling dearly to our ethno-tribal identities. No one (maybe a few) wants to hear the truth that “race is a social construct,” and that there is more genetic variation between people in the same so called ‘racial category’ than there is between people from different so called ‘races.’ There is no biological basis for what we call ‘race’. But who cares about the science of genetics!

2. “FAITH” – Most are socialized to believe that ‘our book, our scriptures, our god is the one and only and that it is the only way to conduct life on Earth and the hereafter’. This includes the ideological faiths based on manifestos!

3. We also know that corruption does not afflict one ‘race’ only, and no faith has solved this scourge whatever the promised eternal damnation!

4. So long as the incalculable multitudes valorize and validate their existence on these “truths”,  living on this insignificant piece of rock floating in this vast and still expanding Universe; there really is little value talking about tolerance, acceptance and respect of the Other!

It’s mere platitudes. It’s sheer hypocrisy!

Read more here
