Mahathir sons declare assets in Malaysian corruption probe

MALAYSIA’S anti-corruption agency said Mahathir Mohamad’s two eldest sons declared their assets on time in a monthslong probe targeting the 99-year-old former premier, and it’s now seeking more information from them.

(The Malaysian Reserve) – “The investigation on the asset declaration is still ongoing,” Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission chief Azam Baki said at a briefing on Wednesday. “We are still engaging with them, to get more information.”

Back in January, the anti-graft agency ordered Mokhzani Mahathir and his elder brother Mirzan to declare their assets dating back to 1981, the year Mahathir became prime minister. The sons said in an interview with Bloomberg News in March that the agency ordered them to assist in an investigation into their father, revealing for the first time that the probe was into Mahathir.

The brothers received a series of extensions of the original February deadlines to comply with the orders, with the final deadline set for the middle of September.

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