Siti Kasim berates her Malay brethren for atrocious socmed comments on Chinese nationals killed by uprooted tree

“As if their minds have been brainwashed to hate people of other race and religion …

(Focus Malaysia) – HUMAN rights activist and lawyer Siti Kasim has chastised the Malays for their lack of empathy following a barrage of disrespectful social media comments on two Chinese tourists – a man and his daughter – who were killed when an uprooted tree crushed their car parked at the Penang Peranakan Mansion on Wednesday (Sept 18).

Describing the comments posted on the Harian Metro Facebook (FB) page following a report of the fatal incident as “too embarrassing”, she is dumfounded as to how her Malay Muslim brethren had displayed no empathy nor sympathy towards humanity which is God’s creation.

“You condemned Chinese tourists without any realisation that they poured in millions if not billions to support your life by uplifting your country’s economy,” fumed Siti Kasim in a FB video.

“How dare you forget the contribution of tourists from China and other countries deemed as kafir (infidel) by you till you have to behave in a kurang ajar (rude) manner towards them by even asking where are the other two (another passenger and the car driver were not in the car when the tragedy struck).

“Imagine only a handful of commenters used their brains to think which deserve my thumbs-up but the majority hurled criticism at the Chinese in a very much congregational fashion … I’m truly sad and outraged.”

A check by FocusM revealed that most of the ‘nasty’ comments centred around the allegation of 1.2 million Chinese nationals who could have overstayed in the country.

This prompted Siti Kasim to question moral decay of the Malay Muslim community “bizarrely amid a rise in religious classes/programmes”.

“Despite this, more of our Malay brethren tend to be losing their sense of humanity and love towards mankind. I’m truly loss for words with the attitude displayed,” the Orang Asli advocate hit out.

“As if their minds have been brainwashed to hate people of other race and religion … when it comes to Palestinians, everything seems fine despite Palestinian haven’t been contributing tourism revenue but instead we reached out thousands of miles to help them.

“Count your blessings … there is surely something wrong with the way Malaysians especially the Malay Muslims are taught on what humanity means for they seem to feel proud hurling distasteful remarks on social media when they should rightfully be embarrassed.”
