Criminal probe against Isham Jalil for commenting on Bloomberg news report is a plunge to dictatorial rule by PH-led government

This is an act of intimidation against the public to prevent them from discussing a matter of national interest.

Zaid Malek, Director, Lawyers for Liberty

We refer to the report yesterday that former Umno Supreme Council member Isham Jalil is being investigated by police for urging Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim to take action against Bloomberg on their story alleging that he abused power and interfered with the MACC.

Isham Jalil is currently under investigation under Section 500 of the Penal Code and Section 233 of the Communications and Multimedia Act (“CMA”) for his remark.

Bloomberg is an international news agency, and their report alleging that there was abuse of power involving MACC is a matter of public interest matter involving transparency and accountability in governance. Why then are the authorities investigating Isham Jalil for making comments based on the news report?

The allegations made by Bloomberg cannot simply be dismissed without an investigation, and those making comments on the article cannot be treated like criminals.

It is the mark of dictatorial rule when a government’s first response to allegations of corruption and abuse of power is to subject members of the public or opposition activists who speak about it to criminal investigation. This is an act of intimidation against the public to prevent them from discussing a matter of national interest.

Many from PH were subjected to criminal investigations and even charged in court when speaking out against abuse of power or corruption during the era of BN governments, actions that were strongly condemned by PH as high-handed and oppressive. Why then are similar tactics using the police employed when now PH and Madani are the ones subjected to scrutiny by the public?

The MADANI government claims to uphold the right to freedom of speech, a right guaranteed under Article 10(1)(a) of our Federal Constitution. This right cannot be said to have been upheld if the public are subjected to criminal investigation when they criticise government leaders like Anwar. It renders the right to free speech illusory.

The government should immediately halt the tactic of fear and intimidation against the public for criticising the PM or other government leaders. This is a democratic country; we are not North Korea or Communist China.

The MADANI government should uphold their promise to respect the constitutionally guaranteed right of freedom of speech and expression, and as such must immediately halt the criminal investigation on Isham Jalil and ensure no one else is subjected to criminal investigations for discussing the Bloomberg news report or anything critical of the political leadership of the country.
