Enough is Enough

Sarawak and Sabah are unwitting saviours of the non-Malays in Malaya.

Yin, Letters from Ward 5, Tanjong Rambutan

They stand between total submission to the Malay chauvinists and Islamic extremists and a Malaysia founded on secularism, racial equality and multiculturalism.

Since 1969 every prime minister has pushed the Malay Agenda of Ketuanan Melayu, Bumiputraism – entitlement based on race and the promotion of Islam and Sharia ultimately leading to an Islamic State.

The Malaysian Agenda – the building of a united country based on equal citizenship, fairness, justice, tolerance and freedom of religion which were the basic principles on which the nation was founded are systematically discarded.

Race based policies were thinly disguised as affirmative action adopted to lift Malays to the socio-economic level of the Indians and Chinese.

After 60 years the govt insists that Malays have not reached the targets set by the govt although independent think tanks proved it otherwise.

In truth there remains a sizeable Malay B40 which has missed out but this is because their leaders have cheated them. They have hijacked Article 153 to enrich themselves, their cronies and the Malay elite and left only crumbs for the poor Malays.

The Malay poor are a useful tool to divide the races – the other races (espy the Chinese ) scapegoated as the cause of their poverty.

Eventually the government dispensed with all pretense of operating within the intentions of Article 153 which policies provided special privileges to Malays in specific areas without taking away the legitimate rights of the others.

Successive governments have boldly implemented what amounts to an apartheid system which conferred rights and entitlements based on race which has created a class of super rich Malays mainly of corrupt leaders, cronies and Malay elites. Today Malaysia is an oligarchy

Sarawak and Sabah have been cheated by Putrajaya for 60 years. I cannot put it any blunter than that!
Part of it is because their own leaders have sold them out.

Thankfully the present leaders of the Borneo States espy Sarawak, have woken up and are demanding their full rights under MA63.

They have also expressed opposition to policies which discriminate on race and religion. Policies which Islamise the country and threaten the secularism guaranteed in the constitution.

Their vocal opposition to the proposed Mufti Bill (FT) is in contrast to the deathly silence of DAP which is part of the government. The other minor parties like MCA, MIC, Gerakan have little influence but they should at least have squeaked their objections but they have not – no wonder they lost the constituents.

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