‘Let’s regain Sabah’

Former Senate president Ernesto Maceda said president Aquino should renew efforts to reclain Sabah from Malaysia. (FMT) - MANILA: President Benigno Aquino should renew efforts to reclaim Sabah from…

The real enemies of the state

By deporting Senator Nick Xenophon, the Malaysian authorities have given the impression that there is something to hide.S Vell Paari, FMT When I arrived in Kuala Lumpur from Perth two days ago, the…

Suaris Interview: The Future of Malays #4

 Najib promised to, borrowing his latest buzzword, “transform” his administration. How could he possibly do that when all his ministers would again stand for election? If they win, they would surely…

Proton distorts market, bleeds Malaysians

 The thrust of the turnaround plan is to boost Proton’s image by ditching the idea that cheap is the way to go. Nothing is being said here about value for money and being competitive. Obviously,…

We Need a new Huguan Siou

 THE CURRENT issue arising from the so-called declaration of Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim as Huguan Siou has another angle to it that the people of Sabah need to be aware of. But first, I say there is NO…

Gangnam style

 Young people may well enjoy watching Psy on YouTube — the music is infectious and the dance steps are great fun but that doesn’t mean they’d select their leaders in the same way: entertainment is one…

A Non-tick for Nong Chik!

 At every street corner, a pasty face with creepy veneers and still hair would pounce out at unsuspecting motorists without woeful warning of the wimpy visage! Public property has been plastered with…

PM Najib and Oppa Gangnam Penang Style

 Najib’s Oppa Gangnam in Penang has shown that he is serious about wanting to be a Prime Minister for all. For that, he has my respect. I hope he and those like him be they from BN, PR or civil…

MIC man calls on Hindraf to woo BN

Since Pakatan does not appreciate the efforts of Hindra, KP Samy says the movement should turn to BN instead. K Pragalath, FMT Days after Hindraf announced that its courtship with Pakatan Rakyat has…

Najib’s time ends now

Josh Hong, Hornbill Unleashed From day one, Najib Abdul Razak’s apprenticeship as prime minister has been marked by facade. Having edged out Abdullah Ahmad Badawi with the help of Muhyiddin…

No way, Hisham!

Nicole Tan Lee Koon I would like to comment on Hishamuddin's statement on the 16th of Feb, 2013 that the Registrar Of Societies can investigate DAP and DAP run the risk of being deregistered just…