The PKR vice-president said last week that religious freedom is for everyone, even Muslims and Malays. Well, here are the facts to prove she has a point. Anisah Shukry, FMT Yet again, Umno as well…
Poverty-riddled Sabah is the sixth biggest contributor to the national economy, contributing more than a quarter of the total oil and gas produced in the country. Queville To, FMT Sabah lost…
Here are 10 reasons why the Indian community should not vote for Barisan Nasional in the next general election, according to Kota Alam Shah state rep M Manoharan. By M Manoharan, FMT Umno’s ‘Malay…
Politicians are becoming media savvy in Malaysia, using Twitter, Facebook and Youtube to appeal to netizens. Kalinga Seneviratne, IPS Malaysia is gearing up for a general election in six months and…
(The Star) - Perak PAS has shied away from announcing its support for embattled PKR vice-president Nurul Izzah Anwar, who is alleged to have uttered words perceived as advocating religious freedom…
KTEMOC KONSIDERS Aiyah, you guys have been hopelessly unable to read into my (admittedly) cryptic short posts. Okay lah I give up, and am am back to a tng k'ooi (chong hei) long winded one,…
The highly popular ‘who wants to be a millionaire’ television concept has taken a political twist in Sabah. Thomas PI, FMT Foreign Minister Anifah Aman, the younger brother of Sabah Chief Minister…
Beliau berkata, afidavit yang berbeza memungkinkan Suruhanjaya Pilihan Raya (SPR) menolak pencalonan beliau dalam pilihan raya umum ke 13. (FMT) - Ketua Pengarah Jabatan Siasatan Jenayah Kuala Lumpur…
Jawapan yang diberi oleh Nurul Izzah memang tepat sekali iaitu tiada paksaan dalam agama bukan hanya untuk bukan Islam sahaja tetapi juga untuk orang Melayu yang sinonim dengan Islamnya. Anak Sungai…
Wan Ahmad Fayhsal bin Wan Ahmad KamalIt is important to note that the true scholars of Islām (ʿulamāʾ, sing. ʿalīm) who are experts in the exegesis (tafsīr) of Qurʿān are ever consistent in their …
The Bruno Manser Fund (BMF) and 255 Malaysian citizens ask to be admitted as private plaintiffs to an ongoing money-laundering case against Swiss bank UBS – Malaysian government and judiciary accused…
(TMI) -- Presiden PKR Datuk Seri Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail tidak berminat untuk bertanding dalam pilihan raya umum (PRU) akan datang mengatakan beliau mahu menghabiskan masa berkempen untuk Pakatan…
(TMI) -- Datuk Seri Najib Razak has assured the Indian community that the government would fully honour its hopes and trust and walk hand in hand to help realise its dreams and aspirations.
Indeed, it is most peculiar while Muslim pundits especially in IRF and SIS prefer to chastise people for not looking at the context of the verse but in this case, it is they who remain blind to the…
What we 'see' today, therefore, are the creation of painters of 500-600 years ago who had a fertile mind and an unbridled imagination. They imagined all this in their brain and then transferred their…
Denying that Najib has lost confidence in MIC, Palanivel claims that the people are returning to MIC’s fold. Leven Woon, FMT MIC president G Palanivel was today left unimpressed that Prime Minister…
“Kita boleh menegaskan bahawa orang Islam tidak boleh murtad mengikut hukum Islam tanpa dikenakan hukuman mengikut syariat Islam akan tetapi untuk selesa dengan hanya takrifan Perlembagaan…
The Malays must wake up konon! Podah! Everything wrong with Malaysia is the fault of the Malays. The non-Malays are mere victims. You buggers deserve to be victims and I hope you will remain…
WORRYING STATEMENT: There is nothing courageous or inspiring in espousing the merits of religious freedom for Muslims in the context of Malaysia Already, PKR -- the smallest party in Pakatan…
Religion and politics — that’s a potent mix guaranteed to be explosive. Nurul Izzah’s slip has been seized on by Umno because the fight in the polls is essentially over the majority Malay votes,…
The People's Parliament “And the LORD said unto Moses, See, I have made thee a god to Pharaoh: and Aaron thy brother shall be thy prophet” – The Book of Exodus, Chapter 7, verse 1, The Holy Bible.…
Nong Chik was quick to add that the date was only his forecast. Md Izwan, The Malaysian Insider The 13th general elections will be called after Chinese New Year, Datuk Raja Nong Chik Raja Zainal…
Tiada gunanya jika pemimpin-pemimpin politik kita sering bercakap mengenai budaya politik baru namun tidak disusuli dengan tindakan konkrit. Elak menjadi pemimpin yang cakap tak serupa bikin dan…
(Bernama) - Penasihat Agama kepada Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Dr Abdullah Md Zin berkata pemimpin Islam di negara ini perlu sepakat dalam menjaga kepentingan agama Islam tanpa mengira perbezaan…
Ida Lim, The Malaysian Insider PAS Youth’s idea to declare their assets gained speed today as the Islamist party chiefs in Pahang and Selangor announced today their support for the initiative—a…
Debra Chong, The Malaysian InsiderPAS Youth has proposed that its executive council members declare their assets at its next assembly this week, a move that is calculated to raise its public…
Greg Lopez, New Mandala Dr. Marzuki Mohamed, ANU alumnus, and advisor to the Deputy Prime Minister of Malaysia recently argued that Malaysia is NOT a secular state.
Religious bigots and feudalists, Umno and its business cronies, Malay supremacist and their secret spies and Trojan horses are all coming together. Religious bigots and feudalists, Umno and its…
Berdasarkan satu kajian yang dijalankan majoriti penduduk negeri ini yang berbilang kaum mahu dua parti itu mengenepikan perbezaan politik. Jamilah Kamarudin, FMT Sebanyak 70 peratus rakyat Selangor…