He says the PM should contest in Marang as PAS president Abdul Hadi had offered to stand in Pekan, held by Najib.(FMT) - Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim today issued a challenge to Prime Minister…
(Bernama) - Wanita Umno hari ini mendesak Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim memperjelaskan dakwaan bahawa pakatan pembangkang akan memberi kebebasan beragama kepada semua termasuk orang Melayu jika menang…
To be honest, as far as our movement is concerned, we’re not — we’re not worried about who wins. We’re worried about the process. Clara Chooi, The Malaysian Insider The Bersih 2.0 movement does not…
So, no, whatever is happening in the country is not Umno’s fault. It is not the fault of the Malays or the Muslims either. It is the fault of the non-Malays and the non-Muslims from West…
Mohd Farhan Darwis, The Malaysian Insider Following attacks on Nurul Izzah Anwar for her statement that allegedly supports religious freedom, the PKR vice president today said she is ready to give…
Clara Chooi, The Malaysian InsiderThe Johor police have started criminal defamation investigations against The Malaysian Insider and Malaysiakini for their coverage of last week’s arrest of a man…
Kenyataan Nurul Izzah bahawa rakyat tidak harus dipaksa mengamalkan ajaran tertentu termasuklah orang Melayu adalah salah, kata pengarahnya Datuk Marzuki Husin.Fazy Sahir, FMT Jabatan Agama Islam…
(Sinar Harian) - Naib Presiden PKR, Nurul Izzah Anwar mahu mengambil tindakan perundangan ekoran laporan media beliau mengeluarkan kenyataan rakyat tidak harus dipaksa mengamalkan ajaran tertentu…
(Sinar Harian) - “Salah satu saman yang diterima adalah di Kilometer 6.6 SKVE, menunjukkan pemandu terbabit melakukan kesalahan Seksyen 79 (2) Akta Pengangkutan Jalan 1987, atas kesalahan gagal…
(fz.com) - Opposition leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim had promised to let SAPP contest two thirds of the seats in the Sabah state assembly, while national based opposition parties will contest two…
The poor turnout at the Selangor DAP convention last weekend was a missed opportunity to rally the troops to defend the premier state against a hungry opposition. The fact that Teng himself did not…
For most of its history, Malaysia has been guided by the desire for "equality of outcomes". It has been trying to redistribute the fruits of growth in a more equitable fashion by giving some…
(The Sun Daily) - The tenets of the Freedom of Information Act (FOI) mooted and approved by the Selangor state government last year have landed with a thud even before they can take off.
(The Sun Daily) - The Selayang Municipal Council (MPS) defied objections from the Selangor Department of Environment (DOE) in giving the go-ahead for the controversial development of the Dolomite Park…
(The Star) - While Malaysia is still using PM10 as a parameter to measure particulate pollution, much of the developed world has moved away from this to something that is even more closely correlated…
(The Malaysian Insider) - A whopping 2.72 million speeding tickets will have to be issued in each of the next five years for the two concession holders of the controversial Automatic Enforcement…
(The Sun Daily) - A blunder by the AES (Automated Enforcement System) control centre in Perak caused a factory manager in Penang to be erroneously slapped with a speeding summons, Sin Chew Daily…
(New Straits Times) - Parti Keadilan Rakyat de facto chief Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim has been urged to publicly declare that he is not a democratically-elected leader, but a "chosen" one as he was…
(Borneo Post) - “It is because of BN that the word ‘Bumiputera’ exists. Bumiputera means the rights of the Malays and the indigenous. If another party takes over, the word ‘Bumiputera’ will be…
Sebanyak 2.72 juta saman perlu dikeluarkan dalam setiap lima tahun akan datang bagi dua pemegang konsesi kontroversi kamera Penguatkuasaan Sistem Automatik (AES) untuk menampung kembali pelaburan…
(The Star) - Seized records have revealed that many investors who had paid had yet to receive any delivery of gold, prior to the joint raids by Bank Negara, the police, the Ministry of Domestic…
(Harakah) - Kenyataan terbaru Datuk Seri Dr. Chua Soi Lek, Presiden MCA bagi mempertahankan kenyataannya berkenaan dengan Hudud baru-baru ini menggambarkan kesombongan beliau untuk…
Timbalan Presiden PKR Azmin Ali pula berkata masyarakat beragama Islam di negara ini masih lagi terikat dengan undang-undang syariah dan itu tidak boleh dipertikaikan. Jamilah Kamarudin, FMTNaib…
Mothers (from left) Che Surin. Lim and Shanthi had relied on their Genneva Malaysia income as gold traders to feed their families. — Picture by Choo Choy May Whatever the reason the company was…
"I'm certain that she is ignorant, this is why she made such a statement. Her statement has clearly deviated from the maqasid syari'yyah and can be categorised as deviating from Islamic…
When politics and power are concerned, we must reflect on the possibility that truth is something that must be discarded at times without which chaos would reign. Alwyn Lau
Muhammad Faeez AzaharIPOH: PAS Perak menerusi Jawatankuasa Strategik dan Isunya hari ini menyatakaan kesediaannya untuk memberi khidmat guaman secara percuma kepada mangsa kesalahan Sistem…
(Bernama) - Mass Rapid Transit Corporation Sdn Bhd (MRT Corp) expects to raise the target of contracts worth for Bumiputera contractors for the MRT Sungai Buloh-Kajang line to RM9.145 billion by…
(The Star) - The co-operation between Pakatan Rakyat and the Hindu Rights Action Force (Hindraf) will not solve problems affecting the Indian community, said Malaysian Associated Indian Chamber of…