TIBAI mahu nyahkan Anwar

Matlamat kelab ini ialah untuk membangkitkan kesedaran maksimum di kalangan rakyat untuk terus menolak Ketua Pembangkang dan sekutunya pada PRU13. (Free Malaysia Today) - Sebuah kelab terbaru, Tolak…

The origins of laws

Henry became the new representative of God on earth, no longer the Pope. Henry became the new giver of laws, no longer the Church. Henry became the enforcer of laws, no longer the Church. In the past,…

Anwar’s Sabah plan dashed?

 Daily ExpressThe Sarawak-based State Reform Party (Star) may contest in all 60 State Assembly seats and 25 Parliamentary seats in Sabah, said its Sabah chapter Chairman, Datuk Dr Jeffrey Kitingan,…

Uthayakumar’s last try

 Hindraf founder P. Uthayakumar needs an Anwar Ibrahim boost to revive his sagging political fortuneBaradan Kuppusamy, The StarAFTER a spectacular showing with a big protest in Novem­­ber 2007,…

Khairy: Let’s work together, Loke

 (The Star) -  Umno Youth chief Khairy Jamaluddin has invited his DAP counterpart Anthony Loke to work together with the Election Commission (EC) to “clear the electoral list of any suspicious…

Step by step

(Sin Chew Daily) - It was said that DAP Parliamentary leader Lim Kit Siang, who was born in Johor, would lead his men to attack the BN's deposit state of Johor in the next general election. The news…

Sex songsang sin 2.0

In 1930s Germany, it was the Jews. Granted this is not quite as acute, but the principle remains the same. States tend to target minorities to become scapegoats in order to distract the public from…


What the Jaringan Melayu Malaysia has done and is planning to do in our schools with this campaign are clearly illegal under the law. Is this campaign being endorsed and supported by the Ministry of…

Well preserved burial ground

The well maintained Lahat cemetery offering convenience to visitors. Photo courtesy by Sin Chew Daily.(Sin Chew Daily) - Looking at the carvings on the ancient tombstones in Lahat…

NGO to work for two-party system

 (Daily Express) - A group of concerned citizens have formed Sabah Democracy (Desah), an ad-hoc committee, to promote straight fights between political parties in the 13th General Election.

How STAR’s young Turks won the day

Sabah Progressive Peoples Party's double-cross has left opposition State Reform Party's young Turks furious Joe Fernandez, Free Malaysia Today The young Turks, a powerful lobby group within the State…

Ties between Sarawak BN allies worsens

Distrust and alleged 'sabotage' within the Sarawak BN coalition's Dayak parties may jeopardise the march to the polls. Joseph Tawie, Free Malaysia Today KUCHING: A tit-for-tat game is being played out…