The Curious Case of Erykah Badu

Curious that the Minister of Information whose portfolio also includes multimedia communications did not take the trouble to find out more about the singer.Stephen Doss

Let’s face facts (part 3)

We have 222 MPs and 576 ADUNs. They are all paid a salary and receive all sorts of allowances. They also have a ‘budget’ to spend in their constituencies. This is further to the chairmanships,…

You’re Your Own Worst Enemy

A LITTLE TAFFER'S ROOMI couldn't recall who first said "You're your own worst enemy." but from my understanding, it was originated from "Man is his own worst enemy" spoken by the Roman senator and…

Bigger storm looms in Kedah

The Kedah Government has been rocked by a power struggle in PAS but a bigger political storm is about to break very soon.The idea of the steering committee was hatched after PAS’ central leadership…

When MCA stood tall

The party has not always been a wimp, a letter from the archives shows. Indeed, what we see today as a ghost of a party was once not such a wimp. Nine of its top leaders, including the president, Lee…

Let’s face facts (part 2)

The way the Malays interpret this is that you are not sincere about eradicating corruption. You are just using this as an excuse to justify kicking out Umno. If the opposition perpetuates corruption…