The End of Barisan Nasional?

“Kua Kia Soong has compiled a book with his frank and courageous views, comments and writings on a wide range of political, social and economic issues which have exercised the minds of all concerned…

Dr M Twisted Logic on Minimum Wage

STRAIGHT TALK Now we know why Malaysia is still caught in the middle income trap. Dr Mahathir said Malaysia may become bankrupt as is happening now in the West if the federal government caves in to…

‘No healthcare model yet’

(NST) - Health Minister Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai said the government has not decided on the new healthcare system as they are still evaluating the various models including studying the feasibility…

Nostalgia sidang Dun bawah pokok

Oleh V.Sivakumar (Harakah Daily) Tiga tahun yang lalu iaitu pada 3 Mac 2009 satu peristiwa bersejarah telah berlaku di negeri Perak. Peristiwa itu tidak boleh dilupakan oleh seluruh rakyat…

Fresh crisis brewing in Kedah

The two rebels are said to have garnered support from the central working committee in their attempt to unseat the menteri besar. Azizan is believed to have embarked on low-profile witchhunt and had…

It’s always been about race

Umno, therefore, cannot unilaterally play the race card. If they do that, they run the risk of upsetting the other non-Umno (meaning also non-Malay-non-Muslim) members of Barisan Nasional. And there…

Malaysia after regime change

Thomas Pepinsky, New MandalaPAS and Islam after regime change As Malaysia prepares for its 13th general elections, due no later than April 2013, the long-standing competitive authoritarian regime…

Time to Hartal the mainstream media

The UMNO-controlled media might be sowing concerns amongst its Malay readers and viewers with its spin on how DAP, which is painted as a Chinese party, will be the principle benefactor if Pakatan…

Opposition’s art of noise

In an age where a grouse or a complaint moves at the speed of thought, and can, at the click of a mouse button, be "out there" for all to see, it's prudent to remember who these reps are really…