Malaysian of 2011

KTEMOC KONSIDERSTraditionally, around end of December each year, news media like to ‘roundup’ the year’s important headline-making news, while Time Magazine likes to nominate who it considers as the…

Why bully a pastor?

(The Malaysian Insider) - So, the latest act by Ibrahim Ali and his band of Perkasa men is to lodge a police report against Reverend Dr Eu Hong Seng for raising concerns revolving Article 153 of the…

Hasan Ali joins Jais raid

(The Star) - Controversial PAS leader Datuk Dr Hasan Ali joined a rare raid on drinking spots at Mutiara Damansara and Petaling Jaya, which saw the arrest of 41 Muslims.

RPK: There’s life after Anwar

The sodomy charge against Anwar was not trumped up and he will be found guilty on Jan 9, says popular blogger Raja Petra Kamarudin.“I think it is a foregone conclusion: Anwar is going to be found…

Immigration Blues

I supposed the warning signs were there, the extensions to his visa getting shorter from 3 months to 2 months then 1 month. He has tried applying for a religous teacher's visa but since he's not…


1.    In the past few weeks, the MACC has been very prolific. Many advertorials have been published in the main stream newspapers of the MACC’s achievements in eradicating corruption. The conviction…

Clarity of purpose and vision: ABU!

STEADYAKU47 UMNO is full of failed leaders. More of their first tier leaders have, at one time or another, left UMNO than have stayed. Tunku, Hussein Onn, Mahathir, Tengku Razaleigh, Musa Hitam, Anwar…

Many vying for DCM II post

Several DAP leaders, even those outside of Penang, are said to be interested in the coveted post. (Free Malaysia Today) - Many DAP politicians are aspiring to take over the coveted post of Penang…

Will BN win the 13th GE?

It certainly has the edge but the big question is why is Najib running scared of calling for the polls.Overall it can be said that it looks likely that BN will win the 13th general election due to…

Year of reckoning

2012 WHAT'S NEXT - POLITICSBy JOCELINE TAN, THE STAR The general election is all anybody can think about as 2012 arrives and the Mother Of All Battles looms in Malaysian politics.

World braces for turbulent 2012

Next year could hold some equally disquieting social, political and economic turmoil. But few predicted the sweeping Arab Spring, the wide-ranging economic and financial tremors rocking Western…