Tolak BN, selamatkan wang rakyat

(HARAKAH DAILY) - Dewan Ulamak PAS Wilayah Persekutuan menyeru seluruh rakyat negara ini bersatu menolak Umno BN demi menyelamatkan wang rakyat dan harta negara dari penyelewengan.

God versus religion

The Abrahamic faiths all believe that there is only one God. That makes it easy. However, there are three Abrahamic faiths and many more branches and sub-branches of these three faiths. And each of…

Stick to The Facts!

By Jeffrey Chew, Special Investment Officer To Penang Chief Minister Wanita MCA Deputy Secretary General Tan Cheng Liang should stick to facts, figures and statistics and acknowledge that Penang…

The MPAJ Cover Up (Episode 2)

For those uninformed, there exist a widening rift between the Selangor PKR Chief, the Selangor MB and PKR EXCO. On June the 27th, 2010 PKR appointed Azmin Ali as the Selangor PKR Chief, a post…

Dilema PAS hadapi Hasan Ali

(Siasah Daily) - Bekas pemimpin PAS Selangor, Datuk Dr Hasan Ali telah membalas kembali dakwaan-dakwaan yang dilemparkan kepadanya oleh Setiausaha Agung Datuk Mustafa Ali.

The protester and civil disobedience

What would life be if there is no dissent and no one takes up the causes of the minority, the marginalized or even the masses?History of the struggle of mankind for freedom and truth (not necessarily…

PKR :Change before you have to!

STEADYAKU47 Anwar, change before you must! You were a visionary once. Reformasi and Pakatan Rakyat. Two intangibles , two ideas whose time had come but it was you that brought those ideas into…

Ramasamy must go, says Karpal

(The Star) - The spat between DAP chairman Karpal Singh and Dr P. Ramasamy has reignited with the veteran leader demanding that the Penang Deputy Chief Minister II resign from his post for making…

Akjan, go ahead and sue!

Daniel J Jambun Datu Akjan’s media conference in which he said that there was never an Projek IC and the call for an Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI) was ill-intended and can damage interracial…