DAP mum on PAS debacle

(The Star) - Selangor DAP leaders are shying away from the latest controversy surrounding PAS, saying it is the Islamic party's internal issue.

Mahasiswa itu poyo

Gelaran ‘mahasiswa’ bukanlah gelaran istimewa yang mempunyai hak atau seolah-olah masyarakat terhutang budi untuk mendengar suara golongan ini.“Poyo” adalah satu perkataan yang digunakan oleh golongan…

Islamic state not in PAS constitution

The founder of the PAS Supporters Club points out there is a clause for the Islamist party to form a welfare state. (Free Malaysia Today) - The concept of an Islamic state is not enshrined in the PAS…

Suspicious Secrecy From the Swiss!

SARAWAK REPORTTaib did not get the response that he wanted from the Swiss Government yesterday.  But he did buy some time. In answer to questions from MP Maya Graf in the Bern Federal Parliament, the…

Year that was for the protester

The silly season is already on us and no doubt will be a fractious and prolonged one going into 2012. While the Government responded to the Bersih demands by establishing the Parliamentary Special…

How much is too much democracy?

Mahatir Mohammed's prescription for India, with respect may, paradoxically enough, turn out to be a remedy worse than the disease. Indeed, it may prove fatal for the health of our federal democracy.…

Dr M saved nation, says Najib

Malaysians can thank ex-PM by making Vision 2020 a reality(New Straits Times) - IT was an unfounded accusation by some quarters to say that former prime minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad had sought aid…