Assembly Bill bars those below 15

The Peaceful Assembly Bill also allows the police to dictate the terms in order to preserve security and public order. (Free Malaysia Today) - The much-awaited Peaceful Assembly Bill was tabled in…

Mahasiswa tubuh Bebas tuntut hak

Penubuhan Bebas disokong 10 persatuan mahasiwa termasuk Solidariti Mahasiswa Malaysia (SMM), Majlis Perwakilan Mahasiswa Nasional (MPMN) dan Persatuan Mahasiswa Islam Universiti Universiti Malaysia…

The real winners in Air Asia-MAS deal

It looks like the little Napoleons in Khazanah are the ones who will benefit most from the controversial share swap.Here, the truth of the matter is that Tony has had it up to his eyeballs with the…

More Big Boobs By Taib! – Expose

By Sarawak ReportChief Minister Taib Mahmud and PM Najib Razak have been trumpeting their economic policies in the light of plaudits given by an outfit called the Oxford Business Group..

S’wak is full of rubbish

By Patrick Lee, FMT Sarawak holds the national record of having the most rubbish dumps in the country. With a grand total of 63 landfills, the East Malaysian state has nearly twice as many midden…

Palm oil industry muscling out orang utans

By Michael Kaung, FMT KINABATANGAN: About 300 orang-utans have vanished from the Lower Kinabatangan in the east coast of Sabah over the last seven years due to the fragmenting of the forests they…

Let’s see where the RM4 billion goes

By Luke Rintod, FMT KENINGAU: While Chief Minister Musa Aman’s RM4 billion Sabah budget for 2012 may be getting rave reviews from ‘certain’ quarters, United Borneo Front however can only see the…

Lawyer: Homosexuality not unconstitutional

By Stephanie Sta Maria, FMT PETALING JAYA: A senior lawyer has disputed a government decree that homosexuality is unconstitutional and instead said that the federal constitution in fact leaves the…

Domestic Defense Act (DSA) 2012

When asked about the differences between the ISA and the DDA the Home Minister said that the initials are different for starters and that Malaysians should no longer be wary of the ISA (because it…

Is MCA staunchly anti-Islam?

Of course Chua is going all out to oppose and insult Hudud because, if he had embraced Islam, he would have been stoned to death for cheating on his wife and family. By Jackson Ng, Retired…

DAP finds unlikely ally in Harris

A power struggle is gripping Sabah Umno and the opposition has become an unwitting participant in the tussle.(Free Malaysia Today) - DAP has found an unlikely supporter in former Sabah chief minister…

PAS: Why is MAIS assisting Perlis?

PAS Selangor wants to know why the state's zakat money is being used to aid other states.(Free Malaysia Today) - Selangor PAS state commissioner, Abdul Rani Osman, wants an explanation from Lembaga…

PKR: NFC paid for private umrah trip

PKR also claims that the duo had used taxpayers' money meant for NFC to set up private companies in Singapore.(Free Malaysia Today) - PKR today made fresh allegations on the publicly-funded National…