Pakatan in dilemma over Himpun rally

If they support the anti-apostasy rally, they will lose the non-Malay support and if they don't support, they will be branded anti-Islam. (Free Malaysia Today) - Pakatan Rakyat is now caught between…

MCA and hudud: Part 1

The party can’t hold a candle to DAP when it comes to principled opposition to Islamic state ambitions.Stanley Koh, Free Malaysia TodayTwo questions arise from MCA’s recent call on DAP to abandon the…

PPSMI : No clear answers from the Ministry

By Sandra Rajoo Many felt disappointed and let down by the decision taken by the Ministry of Education (MOE) to abolish PPSMI. No matter how lengthy the arguments presented by the MOE, they still fall…

MCA Has Lost The Plot

By Douglas Tan For some reason or another, my family maintains our subscription of The Star Newspaper. Overall, it is not too a bad read, updating us on local issues and sports news. However, I have…

Free from ISA, but still in shackles

By S Rutra, FMT KUALA LUMPUR: Former Internal Security Act (ISA) detainee Yazid Suffat may be physically free but he still remains in shackles. “Mentally, I’m not a free man to do whatever I wish to…

Retain PPSMI As An Option

By PAGE (Parent Action Group for Education)Please email, share and/or share this with all your friends so that we can quickly collect the numbers that we need to transform us all into a voice loud…

Development? Really? For whom?

By Gan Pei Ling, The Nut Graph MOST of us living in Peninsular Malaysia take electricity for granted as we have hardly experienced a blackout since the 1990s. But how many of us have stopped for a…

Ignorance on top

By R. Nadeswaran, The Sun THE Malaysian civil service has over the years come under severe criticism – sometimes unfounded but most of the time on target. Bloated as it may be and described as such,…

Forward, back but don’t touch

By Karim Raslan, The Star The allegation that Malaysia had violated Indonesian territory is symptomatic of political issues in Indonesia – they rise, gather momentum, seemingly explode and then just…

Focus On Real Targets

By Walla Those who can must get the word out to focus on real targets. First, the situation. One, the latest budget was to bribe the fixed deposit voting cohorts. Civil servants, teachers, militia…

Muhyiddin Whips Up Anti-BN Support Again

By Mariam Mokhtar Cabinet ministers must think us stupid. Any unexpected improvements to a normally dilapidated area can only mean two things – a forthcoming by-election or a ministerial visit.