Umno And The Threats From Within

Money politics rule the day whenever there is an Umno election and candidates must have a strong war chest to vie for top positions. (New Malaysia Herald) - Umno’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) with…

Lim Kit Siang mencintai Mei 13

Peristiwa tumpah darah Mei 13, pada tahun 1969, disebabkan keangkuhan dan biadap penyokong pembangkang. Pada tahun 1978, Lim Kit Siang telah menulis buku bertajuk “Time Bombs in Malaysia”. Sekarang…

Tony Pua tok kok again

Smart people not only do not join politics, many also do not come out to vote. Why do you think the voter turnout of late is very low? When they see that both sides of the political divide field…