Pimpinan baru PAS menggerunkan Umno

Dengan menobatkan Mohamad Sabu, YB Salahuddin Ayub, YB Husam Musa dan YB Mahfudz Omar ke barisan kedua dan ketiga di dalam hiraki kepimpinan PAS, bermakna para perwakilan terus memperkasakan…

PAS dynamism is restored

By Zainon Ahmad, The Sun IF the late nationalist Dr Burhanuddin al-Helmy --- PAS's third president who did much to turn the Umno breakaway into a strong party with its own identity and ideology ---…

Mat Sabu is Good for the Opposition

Zaid Untuk RakyatI was so relieved and glad to know that Mohamad Sabu (Mat Sabu as he is affectionately known) has won the Deputy Presidency of PAS at the recently concluded Muktamar or General…

Rough weather ahead for PAS?

 The fundamentalists have lost out to the young professionals, thus setting the stage for further trouble in PAS.Thus, the Pakatan-ruled Selangor government often faced obstacles in administering the…

A Love Song for Altantuya…

 MAGICK RIVERWell, folks, fasten your seat belts. Some massive turbulence ahead... when the case filed in Paris by SUARAM (Suara Rakyat Malaysia, a leading human rights organization) to investigate…