The benefits of being feudal

All these seem to suggest that the more pious and righteous the Malays are, the more contradictory they are in terms of values.  (The Malaysian Reserve) - IT MUST be difficult to continue to be…

Malaysia’s Death Penalty Hypocrisy

Since the presumption applies to those carrying 15 grams of morphine or diamorphine, Nagaenthran also would have been presumed to be “trafficking” in drugs under Malaysian law.  Linda Lakhdhir,…

The Chief Justice is WRONG!

The Chief Justice and Bar Council are wrong that investigating or arresting a judge for a criminal act or for wrongdoing translates to an attack on the judiciary or it means not respecting…

Zahid telah minta pertolongan dari tiga perdana menteri

Ahmad Zahid Hamidi telah minta pertolongan dari Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, Muhyiddin Yassin dan juga Ismail Sabri Yaakob untuk nak menyelesaikan kes rasuah dia.

How Teh Ho Ann bribed Tok Mat

Anyway, an interest-free ‘loan’ which needs not be paid back is a bribe. And the fact that 17 companies benefited from giving Tok Mat this so-called ‘soft loan’ is proof that the RM10 million Tok…

Umno tidak pernah menang lebih dari 50% kerusi parlimen

Umno tidak pernah menang lebih dari 50% kerusi parlimen dalam 14 pilihanraya. Tetapi Umno berjaya memerintah sebab bergabung dengan parti lain.