Dr Mahathir Terus Bersuara

Formula untuk MP Barisan Nasional singkirkan Abdullah dijelaskan. Khabar angin mengatakan puak Abdullah akan keluar BN jika dia disingkir dalam undi tidak percaya.

And then there were two

BY KARIM RASLAN, THE STARWith Mohamad Ezam’s departure, the remaining Reformasi ‘war horses’ – Azmin Ali and Saifuddin Nasution – have assumed greater importance.

Thiagarasan asked to show cause

KLANG: Barely a day after he announced that he plans to run for the MIC presidency, Klang division chief Alex Thiagarasan received a show-cause letter for acting in a manner detrimental to the party…

Smugglers see money in ban

By : Sharifah Mahsinah Abdullah, NST RANTAU PANJANG: For years, the border checkpoint here has been bustling with Thai motorists coming over to refuel, but not any more.

Cops lose 3kg evidence

SOME 3kg of ketamine was found “missing” from an evidence store in a police station in Seremban, reported China Press.

MCA shocked by objection to PSD move

KUALA LUMPUR: The MCA is saddened and shocked by an Umno Youth leader’s objection to the fairer distribution of Public Service Department (PSD) scholarships for all races.