Umno needs to reinvent

Sharing the nationBy ZAINAH ANWAR, THE STARUmno must decide which road to take for it to remain the backbone of the Barisan Nasional. It cannot be all things to all Malays.

Ezam can help Pak Lah’s agenda

On The BeatBy WONG CHUN WAI, THE STAREzam fits in as a reformist in Umno. He has given his commitment to back the war against corruption and Malaysians will judge him for what he has said.

Try again, Zaid tells media

Media practitioners should unite and put forward again their proposals for reforms and more press freedom, said Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Datuk Zaid Ibrahim.

Violated by Ah Long mob

A 51-year-old woman was overpowered by three men near her office, who took turns to stick their middle finger into her vagina. That was, however, only the beginning of her harrowing ordeal.

Babad Pendekar Jawa-Akhir

Saya akan memulai penutupan babad ini dengan satu wejangan pada gambar di sebelah yang saya tangkap dengan Nokia 3600 semalam. Lelaki dalam gambar ini yang kelihatan seperti Ho Chin Min memang seorang…

Sightings Update: Talk The Walk

Kuala Lumpur, 1st June 2008: Listening Post. Blogger Rocky at Dataran Merdeka after a talk on "Media Freedom" hosted by the National Press Club and the National Union of Journalists.

Ceritalah: Christians In Malaysia

That some Christians, as in the case of Shah Alam and elsewhere, could throw their support behind the Malay-Muslim politicians of PAS and the PKR, and that the latter avidly appeal to them, augurs…

Whither Malaysia?

Maybe they still remember the post-election CNBC interview when the journalist asked Abdullah to comment on the message that the electorate was sending to the BN. ‘What message?’ he…