Black 14 & Ketuanan Rakyat

Was not intending to drag myself to Kampung Baru from the office, but by 5pm, I got restless. If Anwar was going to lay bare his plans, reading about it in the blogs and Malaysiakini just would not…

My Wife Shall Be PM

By Little BirdWell, Anwar Ibrahim has had his coming out party. I am not a fan of the man at all. Let me state this plainly so that you may all know where I stand. It is not a sin to like a politician…


Raja Petra and the forever radiant Marina had invited Malaysians to be part of their 35th Wedding Anniversary Bash. Malaysians have a penchant for big parties, so the grounds of the venerable Kelab…

When the honeymoon is over…

Let's face it. The honeymoon is over. Barisan Nasional under Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi won 91 per cent of the parliamentary seats in the 2004 elections but only 63 per cent this year.

We can topple Umno: Anwar

Govt MPs waiting to deflect - for money and power Malaysia's embattled Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawifaced a serious challenge yesterday as opposition leader Anwar Ibrahimsaid he had the…