Monsoon (Cup) winds of change

Mat Said is a fighter. And even as a 'nobody' he stood his ground against an outraged Eric Chia who was foaming at the mouth while screaming the Prime Minister's name. No Chinese…

Good Team, Bad Captain

I applaud Zaid Ibrahim’s appointment. He is one of the few independent-minded and unafraid to challenge the leader, a rare quality especially among Malays. We are still feudalistic, blindly…

In shift, Malaysia reaches out to bloggers

KUALA LUMPUR (AFP) - Malaysia's government has said it will reach out to bloggers, dropping threats of arrest in a major change of policy triggered by a shock election loss that has raised calls…

“I am truly Sorry, Zaid”

This morning, while browsing the web online articles, I stumbled upon a write-up by Ian Mcintyre which claims to have quoted - “Zaid: Govt has to apologise to victims of 1988 judicial…

BN, Malaysians never forgot

Our Ex-PM once said, “Melayu mudah lupa” (Malays forget easily). In retrospective thinking, it would have been most appropriate if he had said, “Kroni-kroni saya mudah lupa”.…