Khairy mahu cetus rusuhan?

(Harakah) Walaupun tidak dapat disahkan kesahihannya, pesanan-pesanan mesej ringkas telah bertebaran memberi amaran kepada rakyat Malaysia kononnya menantu Perdana Menteri, Khairy Jamaluddin merancang…

Abdullah wajar contohi Sanusi

(Harakah) - Ahli-ahli Umno mula menuntut Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Abdullah Badawi mengikut jejak langkah Tan Sri Sanudi Junid dan tidak berkeras mahu menjadi Perdana Menteri.

“Najib Must Step Forward Now”

By Little BirdThis is the consensus opinion among ALL UMNO members except Khairy Jamaluddin. Khairy is now frantic. He is using all means at his disposal (money and threats) to stem what appears to be…

An open letter to Datuk Wong Chun Wai

I stayed up all night to watch the breaking of a new dawn. BN will still form the government and I promise that the Malaysians will now experience a more liberal way of life. Only the UMNOputeras will…

The aftermath of the ‘bloodbath’

So remember who put you where you are today. Remember who gave you your job. The rakyat can hire and the rakyat can fire. We, the rakyat, made you and we, the rakyat, can break you. Just remember that…

1969 all over again?

'There will be people who will want to stir race problems. But we in PKR and PAS will defend our Chinese and Indian brothers,' Amwar Ibrahim told a cheering crowd of predominantly…

The start of a two-party system?

This reading of what happened on Sunday is the most positive and optimistic spin one can put at the moment to GE 2008, pending more detailed analyses of the political upheaval that might take weeks to…

Weakened BN

Decimation of many of its component parties leaves ruling coalition with urgent task of revamping itselfBy Hazlin Hassan, THE STRAITS TIMESKUALA TERENGGANU - THE decimation of many parties in Barisan…

The Malaysian Revolution of 2008!

There is a lot of work to be done in the area of social justice, education for multiculturalism, and development for the people, by the people, for the people. There is also a lot of people that must…

Multiracial PKR

Leaders say its multiracial character was a key factor that helped the party increase its seat tally in Parliament from one to 31By Zakir Hussain & Zackaria Abdul Rahim, THE STRAITS TIMESPARTI…

Resurgent DAP

Opposition party shrugs off Chinese tag to win over voters, toppling BN in Penang and upping its share of seats wonBy Chow Kum Hor, THE STRAITS TIMESPENANG - ONCE brushed aside

Samy to stay on as MIC chief

KUALA LUMPUR: Datuk Seri S. Samy Vellu, who crashed to a shock defeat in the Sungai Siput parliamentary seat, will continue as the MIC president and restructure and rebuild the party.