The Origins of the Malays

Prepared By Michael Chick It's been interesting to read such free-flowing comments on the subject of the Origins of the Malays. While we are on the subject, how many of you have read the…

Gila sungguh perilaku Dollah

Malahan belum pernah terjadi sebelum ini seorang Perdana Menteri melakukan adegan kucup berkucup, cium mencium di hadapan khalayak ramai, tetapi yang pasti Abdullah Ahmad Badawi boleh…

Langkawi’s LADA Mismanagement

To the disbelievers, Ever wondered what is the main reason why just a simple idea like in making a motion picture, landed up becoming a blockbuster and then winning the Oscar’s?

WTF is the Opposition

It must be over six weeks since I wrote pleading with the Opposition Parties to get their act together and come up with an election platform which would be appealing to Malaysians

Drama politik Menteri Besar

Oleh Baharom Mahusin, Utusan MalaysiaAPA yang dipaparkan dalam kempen parti-parti politik menjelang pilihan raya umum sebenarnya tidak dapat menyaingi drama yang berlaku di sekitar pemilihan…

Karasu Witness Statement

Mr Tommy Thomas took me to see Mr Karpal Singh who was then counsel acting for him in the defamation suit filed by Dato V K Lingam. Mr Karpal Singh wanted to see the documents but refused to see me.