Be focused………

Malaysiakini reported, T.Vasanthakumar lodged a police report against P.Uthayakumar regarding the misuse of the donations from the Indian community.

Musa Aman tidak perlu guna sesiapa

Yang dihormati Sdr M. A. Hafiz,Saya ingin merujuk kepada tulisan saudara mengenai tuduhan Hassnar terhadap saya. Sebenarnya saya tidak minat bertelagah dengan sesiapa namun saya terpanggil untuk…

From a Fellow Muslim…

Assalamualaikum Pet.Whilst I have no issues with the context of the article you have posted on Malays being the Enemy of Islam, it would be remiss of me as a Muslim if I did not caution you on…

Malays, the enemy of Islam

Yes, let us all go to the Kuala Lumpur High Court at Jalan Duta on 17th and 18th January 2008 and take a good look at the defenders of the dignity of Islam, those 'moral police' who arrest…

MCA Johor bercanggah dengan Pusat

PETALING JAYA 15 Jan. – MCA tidak melihat pelantikan bekas Naib Presidennya, Datuk Seri Dr. Chua Soi Lek sebagai Penasihat Badan Perhubungan MCA Johor boleh menjejaskan keharmonian dalam parti.

Schools picked as polling stations

By KAREN CHAPMANKUALA LUMPUR Jan 16: The schools to be used as polling stations for the upcoming general election have been identified, said education director-general Datuk Alimuddin Mohd Dom.

ACA starts probe at Tourism Ministry

BY LOURDES CHARLESKUALA LUMPUR Jan 16: The Anti-Corruption Agency (ACA) has started investigations on two senior Tourism Ministry officers for allegedly misusing government funds to produce a tourism…