Chua resigns after sex scandal

(The Star) - PUTRAJAYA: Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek has tendered his resignation as Health Minister, MCA vice-president, Johor MCA chief and Labis MP.

Malaysia’s Health Minister Resigns

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia (AP) — Malaysia's health minister, a married man with three children, stepped down Wednesday amid a scandal over a secretly filmed sex video that caught him…

Opposition ready to boycott polls

The opposition parties, including PAS, are prepared to stay away from the general election if they could reach a consensus on the matter, said Kelantan Menteri Besar Datuk Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat.

SPR Ingin Makan Gaji Buta

Seperti kebiasaannya. sekali lagi Pengerusi SPR, Tan Sri Ab. Rashid Ab. Rahman meneruskan agenda Kerajaan Barisan Nasional dengan sikap pekak badak dan buta hatinya.

Sex Scandal Stuns Malaysia’s Government

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia (AP) - Malaysia's government scrambled Wednesday to contain political fallout from the married health minister's public admission that he and a friend were the couple…

Woman in DVD was Angelina Yam

By Batu BerpahatHealth Minister Chua Soi Lek says that his co-star in the latest Barisan Nasional 'sex movie' was a personal friend, a woman he has known for a very short time. Unconfirmed…

Menteri Abdullah tiada moral

KAMAL AMIR MENULISPENGAKUAN terbuka Menteri Kesihatan Datuk Chua Soi Lek berhubung skandal “dalam kelambu”nya dengan gadis kecil molek yang kian panas di pasaran penjualan video lucah…

Malaysia goes beyond tourism targets

(e-Travel Blackboard) - Malaysia’s tourism minister, Datuk Seri Tengku Adnan Tengku Mansor, has announced that inbound tourism figures for 2007 have surpassed its 20.1 million figure target,…

Keadilan komited turun harga petrol

Oleh Tan Sri Abdul Khalid IbrahimSetiausaha AgungKUALA LUMPUR 1 Jan - Keadilan komited turun harga petrol dan cabar Najib bentang perbelanjaan hasil royalti dan dividen Petronas.Kenyataan Datuk…